Based in Oxfordshire, UK with offices in USA and Europe, JLL are a team of world class technical, creative, and imaginative problem solvers with a long-standing heritage of technical delivery in lighting, networking, DMX and video, providing their services to the television, film, live events and exhibition sectors. On an ever-increasing basis, JLL continue to be brought in by various DOP’s and Gaffers to support their evolving creative needs, as they look further into the benefits of using moving LED heads and programmable intelligent lighting in their productions. Indeed, JLL’s most recent work with Moonage Pictures for The Gentlemen, a brand-new Netflix Original series, reflects just this.
Minimising Complexity & Maximising Creative Lighting Design
In the ever-evolving landscape of film production, the adoption of new and alternative technologies always plays a pivotal role in shaping the quality and creativity of cinematic creations. As such Moving head LED lighting fixtures, equipped with advanced pan, tilt, and swivel mechanisms, provide just this kind of transformative force, offering a plethora of technical benefits from energy-saving solutions to diverse ways of creating lighting effects and setups. This dynamic flexibility allows for precise control over the direction, intensity, and focus of light, enabling cinematographers to sculpt captivating visuals with unmatched accuracy. Whether tracking a moving subject, lighting moving actors, or creating intricate lighting effects, the precision of moving head lighting contributes to the technical excellence of film production.
Plus, traditionally, adjusting lighting setups between scenes has been a time-consuming task, demanding significant time and effort. However, with the introduction of intelligent moving lighting, this process has been streamlined, enabling swift and precise adjustments. This advancement not only boosts productivity on set but also nurtures creativity by providing the flexibility to experiment with various lighting configurations. DOPs and their gaffers can seamlessly transition from subtle changes in ambiance to striking, dynamic lighting sequences with effectively, just the touch of a button.
Supporting Sustainability
Beyond its creative advantages, moving head lighting excels in energy efficiency. Incorporating LED technology, these fixtures consume significantly less power and generate minimal heat, aligning with the industry's drive towards more sustainable filmmaking practices. For example, the boxing scene in new Netflix series of The Gentlemen used LED lighting with a mix of Ayrton Perseo, Robe Mega Pointe, Martyn Mac Aura, GLP Xbar 20, Fusion XPar 12 and SGM P5 products that consumed only a fraction of the power wattage required by traditional lighting over the course of the 10-hour shoot.
In Summary
Whether used in commercials, dramas, intimate indie productions or large-scale blockbuster films the creativity offered by intelligent moving head lights ensures that filmmakers can harness the benefits of this technology regardless of the scale or nature of their production. As the film industry continues to evolve, the integration of moving head lighting now places DOP’s and Gaffers at the forefront of technological innovation by embracing products that both enhance efficiency and accelerate the creative vision. At JLL our heritage and deep technical understanding of moving head LED lighting has been fine tuned to a level that offers filmmakers a technical edge that not only aligns with the industry's constant pursuit of excellence but will also play a significant role as we continue to embrace sustainability.